More Social than Work

Thanks for visitng my blog! I decided to start this when I moved from Austin to Atlanta in the summer of 2006. I figured the new adventure would offer some fun stories to share with friends and family around the globe. I'm a Social Worker, by the way -- hence the title of the blog.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Vive le Tour de France!

The Tour de France has solidified its place in history as one of the most exciting sporting events on the planet. What a performance by American Floyd Landis! His sheer determination, strength, athleticism, and guts earned him the coveted maillot jaune on Sunday. It was a spectacular ending to a tour that started in turmoil. Floyd Landis broke away from a disintegrated hip, the shadow of Lance Armstrong, a major doping scandal, and finally, from the Peloton in Stage 17, to ride to victory and claim the grandest prize in the world of cycling.

Feeling inspired, I picked up my bike from the local bike shop today - Intown Bicycles - where they gave her a little tuneup, and went for a ride. It felt great! The brick-paved sidestreet near our house is not quite as spectacular as the cobblestone Champs Elysees, but you gotta start somewhere, right?

On a related but less important note, I thought Michael Rasmussen's polka-dot-clad baby was very cute, but is Robbie McEwen's son really named Ewen McEwen? Poor kid.


At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a great weekend for U.S. in sports. I enjoyed the Tour de France and the British Open . I cried when Tiger cried - such a tribute to his father. Some athletes feel that they have to have this "tough guy" image but I was really moved by his showing his human side.


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