A Future Darwin Award Candidate?
Overheard at the pharmacy:
"What kind of vitamin has the most Vitamin C in it?"
Thanks for visitng my blog! I decided to start this when I moved from Austin to Atlanta in the summer of 2006. I figured the new adventure would offer some fun stories to share with friends and family around the globe. I'm a Social Worker, by the way -- hence the title of the blog.
Overheard at the pharmacy:
I'm back in the great state of Texas for a few days, and it's awesome! I've already enjoyed chicken enchiladas with deluxe tomatillo sauce from Chuy's, made plans to have a brew at the Draught House, listened to my favorite Texas musicians on KGSR, and seen lots and lots of friends. Where else in this country can you watch a state-specific car commercial (e.g., Ford trucks are advertised as "Texas Ford trucks" - complete with a Texas country artist singing a theme song)?!