More Social than Work

Thanks for visitng my blog! I decided to start this when I moved from Austin to Atlanta in the summer of 2006. I figured the new adventure would offer some fun stories to share with friends and family around the globe. I'm a Social Worker, by the way -- hence the title of the blog.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Nice chandeliers...those new?"

Once in a blue moon, I treat myself to a little mani/pedi at a local nail salon. It's not a super deluxe place, but it's decent enough that I think my chances of getting a staph infection are fairly low.

So I walked in to the place today and was immediately struck by the brilliant light of three chandeliers (yes, three) hanging from the ceiling. Keep in mind that the entire establishment could fit into a one-car garage. It was something to behold. And did I mention that they were hideous? Obviously a top seller at the Ugliest Chandeliers Ever Made Showroom.

If the price of the mani/pedi had increased to cover the light bill, I would have thrown a serious tantrum and probably ruined my polish. Fortunately it didn't come to that.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kristen for President!

Congratulations to my niece, Kristen, who was recently elected Junior Class President at her high school!

Don't worry, kiddo. Even if the class shirts and the prom both suck, I will still love you.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Are you SIRIUS?

I've had my car for about 15 months. It initially came with a three-month trial subscription to SIRIUS Satellite Radio. It only took two months for my husband and me to develop an addiction...especially on those road trips through the mountains and back roads of [insert any southeastern state where you lose decent FM radio reception about every third mile].

It has taken some time to perfect our SIRIUS system. Since I own the car, we decided it was only fair that I should program the majority of the channels. I programmed 10, and Eric programmed 5. Of course, some of our selections change throughout the year. For example, I like to program some channels on a seasonal basis - ESPN Radio (120) during football season, Radio Margaritaville (31) in the summer, etc.

Eric and I are allowed to listen to each other's stations. After all, our relationship started almost 10 years ago at a concert, and we respect each other's opinions on music. Then again, he's unlikely to go straight for The Coffee House (30) to hear singer-songwriters and acoustic rock. And I try to stay clear of Outlaw Country (63). But for the most part we have a good system, and we don't dog on the other person's choices.

Until now. And this is really not dogging on Eric but rather the person in charge of programming on one of his picks - Buzzsaw (19) - a Classic Hard Rock channel. I was bored with my 10 the other day and started going through Eric's 5 before branching out into the 180 or so other channels. I got to Buzzsaw, and the Classic Hard Rock band blasting (or should I say crooning) from the speakers was none other than REO Speedwagon, legends of the power ballad.

I just kept staring at the display and saying, "Siriusly?"

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Williams-Sonoma Spree

For Christmas, Eric gave me a Williams-Sonoma gift card so I could buy some nice new kitchen items for our house, mostly to replace a few not-so-nice old items. As it turned out, it was way too easy to spend the gift card...and then some!

If you come visit, I'll make you something in my new loaf pan.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Quote of the Week

"This place is really nice for a sleazy-ass liquor store."

-Eric (my funny-ass husband)

Monday, April 14, 2008


My blog was in hibernation for the winter. Just like the bears.

Now spring has sprung, and new life is all around. So it seems like a good time for the rebirth of my blog. Please enjoy a few springtime pictures I took around Atlanta on Sunday.