Number of years since my first date with Eric: 8
Number of weeks since I last saw him: 6.5
Number of hours until I pick him up at the airport: 11
Thanks for visitng my blog! I decided to start this when I moved from Austin to Atlanta in the summer of 2006. I figured the new adventure would offer some fun stories to share with friends and family around the globe. I'm a Social Worker, by the way -- hence the title of the blog.
Number of years since my first date with Eric: 8
Although it didn't technically meet the baseball definition of a perfect game, it was perfect to me! As a "Welcome to Atlanta" gift, Jeff got tickets that landed us on the 1st row behind the Braves' dugout for last Friday's game between the hometown Atlanta Braves and the Milwaukee Brewers.
I had lunch today at a local joint called George's Restaurant and Bar. Like so many favorite neighborhood hangouts that are chock-full of character, George's is nothing special to look at, inside or out. But you don't need great looks to offer delicious burgers and cold beers for cheap!
When I got ready to go to bed last night, I was unpleasantly surprised to find a cockroach the size of Texas on the window sill next to the bed. Even my bug-loving cat wouldn't touch it. A few paper towels and pep talks later, I had disposed of the enormous creature. And besides lying awake half the night waiting for his relatives to show up and crawl in bed with me, I felt better.